Wednesday, April 24, 2019


The following is a letter I wrote to my drivers:

Hello everyone,

Today was one of the darkest days in the history of the Crystal Lake when 5 year old Andrew Freund was found in a shallow grave right off of Dean St near 176 wrapped up in plastic, and quite frankly didn't have a chance.

I am not writing this to talk about the political and social failures of what happened here.  I am not writing this to condemn the parents who have been accused of murdering their own son.  I am writing this as a special reminder of what we do.  It became crystal clear to me as I followed this story very closely for the last week hoping the boy would pop out but he never did.

We do what we do to make a living of course.  To put food on the table. To pay bills.  To live. But I believe there is a greater purpose.  We help families who are in peril.  Sure there are many special needs situations along with behaviors and other things, but lets not forget that the Mckinney Vento program really helps those who are going through very hard times.  Perhaps a child may have been ripped away from his or her family.  Or maybe a child is watching their family crumble in a divorce.  Or the state has stepped in and made other arrangements.  We give these kids a chance to get to school.  To live a life that may be better than the one they have in their home.  AJ would have been a prime candidate with this program when i read the things going on with his family.  

Each one of you is in a position that fills a very important need in a childs life.  We are the first person many of these kids see outside of their homes in the morning before we even go to school.  It is truly a powerful thing.  I know I am always saying don't talk to the kids too much because of liabilities but I know many of you do.  Its hard not to sometimes.  Especially when they seem like they are going through tough times.  You guys are in a powerful spot because you have the ability to help bring positive light to these kids lives.  It's easy to judge, but may of you don't.  It's easy to get frustrated but many of you remain patient.  Just remember other than fulfilling basic needs, think about all the good that comes with doing this kind of work.  

I get many compliments about you all and you make me proud for that.  Keep doing what you're doing.

And on another important note, it something seems off.  If your student has cuts and bruises.  If they have mood changes.  if you notice something weird, say something.  Make sure you email me or let me know right away, so we can give these kids a chance.  We need to fight for these kids sometimes because the last thing we need is for anyone to end up like poor Andrew.  Only 5 years old.  Terrible thing.  

Thank you for reading and keep up with the great work you all do.  Appreciate it and much love,


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